The Beginning

My first pen: TWSBI Diamond 580

My introduction into fountain pens was an accident. I stumbled upon them in the most random, yet perfect way.

My freshman year of college I had a pen pal: a friend from high school that decided to go to college in a different than me. We thought the perfect way to stay in touch (besides boring old texting and snap chat) would be to write letters to each other. This was before I was really even into pens! I guess I have just always liked handwriting letters to people.

I remember there was one letter in particular that got me started. It wasn't more than one simple line. That's all it took for my journey to begin. I don't remember exactly what it was, but the subject of this life changing line was about the quill pens used in the Harry Potter movies. Now of course I had always heard of quill pens, but there was something about that line in the letter that made me question dip pens. This question was so nagging that I had to open up good ol' chrome and find my answer on the internet. This was my first peak into the world of pens.

I found my answer pretty quick online, but I still felt this urge to dig deeper. I then found the difference between dip pens and fountain pens. Quickly, I found that they were two entirely different species and that the latter was more suited to me. From there my curiosity grew and grew until I decided I needed one. Just one (yeah, right). If only I could try these things out and see what they are all about! Then my curiosity would be quenched.

So I continued by doing tons of research online until I found the perfect pen that I wanted to start with: the TWSBI Diamond 580 with a broad nib (my pen pictured above). With the pen I ordered two inks: Noodler's Baystate Blue (I heard about it's difficulties, but I didn't care at the time), and Noodler's Bad Black Moccasin. Being someone who loves the color blue, my first fill was with the Baystate Blue (and it's still stained to this day! Which I've learned to love). The second I touched nib to paper, I was hooked for life.

If it weren't for my pen pal and an unquenchable curiosity, I would not have taken this journey and I would not be the person I am today. To see my collection up to date, click here: My collection 
